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Car repair in Val-de-Ruz

City Val-de-Ruz - Car repair businesses

Click on a entry in the table below or on the map above to get more information about the company.

Dealer AddressBrands Details
1. Christinat Automobiles 2043 Boudevilliers Citroen
2. Espace Automobile Roberto Placi 2043 Boudevilliers Honda
3. Garage Yves Challandes 2046 Fontaines Renault
4. Jf Automobiles Jean Frasse 2052 Fontainemelon Ford
5. Garage Beausite BBM SA 2053 Cernier Opel Suzuki
6. Garage Carrosserie Schürch 2054 Chézard-St-Martin Chevrolet
7. Garage Javet 2054 Chézard-St-Martin Mazda
8. Ulrich Schürch 2054 Chézard-St-Martin Subaru
9. Garage Chatelain SA 2056 Dombresson Fiat
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